Innocan Pharma의 사례 보고서,
Frontiers Veterinary Scientific Journal의 2,500만 독자
Innocan Pharma's Case Report Accepted to the 25M Readers of Frontiers Veterinary Scientific Journal
Newsfile Corp.
Tue, April 12, 2022, 5:00 AM·6 min read
Innocan Pharma Corporation(CSE: INNO)(FSE: IP4)(OTCQB: INNPF)은 #강아지 #통증 관리를 위한 연민 요법으로 사용되는 피하 주사 리포솜 #칸나비디올(CBD) 제형을 설명하는 사례 보고서 기사의 "게시 승인"을 보고하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다.
최종 기사는 2,500만 명의 독자층을 보유한 저명한 저널인 Frontiers Veterinary Scientific Journal에 게재될 예정입니다.
Herzliya, Israel and Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - April 11, 2022) - Innocan Pharma Corporation (CSE: INNO) (FSE: IP4) (OTCQB: INNPF) (the "Company" or "Innocan"), is pleased to report the "accepted for publication" of a Case Report Article describing subcutaneously injected liposomal cannabidiol (CBD) formulation used as a compassion therapy for pain management in a dog. The final article will be published in the Frontiers Veterinary Scientific Journal, a leading and renowned journal with readership of 25M.
사례 보고서에서 Innocan의 LPT 플랫폼을 기반으로 하는 Innocan의 신규 리포솜 칸나비디올(CBD) #진통제 제형으로 치료받은 14세 개.
개는 #악액질 이었고 #고환 종양, 엉덩이 및 팔꿈치 골#관절염 및 심한 통증이 있었습니다.
개는 개 골관절염 보충제와 추가로 Innocan LPT 리포솜 CBD 주사 가능한 제형으로 치료되었습니다.
활동 모니터링 칼라(PetPace), 소유자 웰빙 설문지, 통증 상호작용 시각 아날로그 척도(iVAS), 혈액 작업 및 CBD 혈장 농도를 사용하여 개를 모니터링했습니다. 주사 후 1주일과 그 후 최대 3주까지 개는 소유자 및 iVAS 통증 점수가 개선되었고 목줄 활동 점수가 증가했습니다.
CBD는 28일 동안 혈장에서 정량화되었습니다.
결론적으로, 피하 #리포솜 CBD는 28일 동안 정량화 가능한 CBD 혈장 농도를 생성했으며, 이는 개의 다중 모드 #통증관리 일부로 효과인 추가 치료가 될 수 있습니다.
Frontiers는 최고의 과학 플랫폼 퍼블리셔입니다.
이 저널은 100,000명 이상의 최고 연구원으로 구성된 편집 위원회가 주도하고 동료 심사를 받습니다.
900개 이상 학문 야를 다루는 이 출판사는 세계에서 가장 크고 가장 많이 인용되는 출판사 중 하나입니다. 과학이 출판되고 평가되며 연구자, 혁신가, 대중에게 전달되는 방식을 개선하는 혁신적 솔루션으로 학계에 지속적으로 권한을 부여하기 위해 노력합니다.
예루살렘 히브리대학교 Chezy Barenholz 교수는 "우리 논문이 유수의 수의학 저널에 게재될 수 있게 된 것은 Innocan의 과학적 중추의 중요성을 다시 한 번 증명하게 되었습니다. 우리 연구의 지속적 인정을 보게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다."라고 말했습니다.
이노칸의 CEO인 Iris Bincovich는 "수의학 분야로의 확장에 따라 이노칸은 전례 없는 칭찬과 인정을 받고 있다"며 "우리는 빠른 시일 내에 시장에 진출하기를 열망하며 우리의 성장과 상업화를 보장하기 위해 부단히 노력하고 있다"고 말했습니다.
In the Case Report a 14-year-old dog that was treated with Innocan novel liposomal cannabidiol (CBD) analgesic formulation based on Innocan's LPT platform. The dog was cachectic and had a testicular neoplasia, hip and elbow osteoarthritis and severe pain. The dog was treated with canine osteoarthritic supplement and additionally with Innocan LPT liposomal CBD injectable formulation. The dog was monitored using an activity monitoring collar (PetPace), owner wellbeing questionnaire, pain interactive visual analogue scale (iVAS), blood work and CBD plasma concentrations. A week from the injection and up to 3 weeks afterwards the dog had improved owner and iVAS pain scores, and increased collar activity scores. CBD was quantified in plasma for 28 days. In conclusion, subcutaneous liposomal CBD produced quantifiable CBD plasma concentrations for 28 days that may be an effective additional treatment as part of multimodal pain management in dogs.
Frontiers is a leading science platform publisher. The journal is led and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 100,000 top researchers. Covering more than 900 academic disciplines, it is one of the largest and highest-cited publishers in the world. It strives to continuously empower the academic community with innovative solutions that improve how science is published, evaluated, and communicated to researchers, innovators and the public.
Prof. Chezy Barenholz of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem said, "Having our article accepted to publication in a leading veterinary journal proves once again the importance of Innocan's scientific backbone. I am pleased to see the ongoing recognition of our work."
"Following our expansion to veterinary, Innocan is being praised and recognized like never before", said Iris Bincovich, CEO of Innocan and added "We aspire to hit the markets soon, and are working tirelessly to ensure our growth and commercialization."
Innocan과 히브리 대학교의 관계
Innocan's relationship with The Hebrew University
Innocan의 전액출자 자회사 Innocan Pharma Ltd.는 디자인과 관련하여 예루살렘 히브리대학교 상업부문 Yissum Research and Development Company ("Yissum")와 전 세계 독점 연구 및 라이선스 계약을 체결했습니다.
CBD(또는 기타 칸나비노이드)가 로드된 리포솜을 포함하는 하이드로겔의 준비, 특성화 및 평가. 연구 개발 이니셔티브는 55개 이상 특허 패밀리를 발명한 히브리대학의 막 및 리포솜 연구 부서장 Chezy Barenholz 교수가 주도하고 있으며, 이 중 2개는 FDA 승인을 받은 약물인 Doxil® 유방암 치료. 이 독특한 리포솜 플랫폼 기술은 간질, 통증 완화, 염증 및 중추 신경계 장애와 같은 광범위한 응용 분야를 가질 수 있습니다. 2019년 10월 7일 이 기술에 대한 특허가 출원되었습니다.
Innocan Pharma Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into a worldwide exclusive research and license agreement with Yissum Research and Development Company ("Yissum"), the commercial arm of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with respect to the design, preparation, characterization and evaluation of hydrogels containing CBD (or other cannabinoids) loaded liposomes. The research and development initiative is led by Professor Chezy Barenholz, head of the Membrane and Liposome Research Department at The Hebrew University, which is the inventor of over fifty-five patent families, two of which underlie Doxil®, an FDA-approved drug for breast cancer treatment. This unique liposome platform technology may have a wide range of applications, such as epilepsy, pain relief, inflammation and central nervous system disorders. A patent was filed covering this technology on October 7, 2019.
강아지 고양이 통증 발작 #CBD오일
이노칸 소개 About Innocan
Innocan Pharma는 CBD를 포함하는 여러 약물 전달 플랫폼의 개발에 중점을 둔 제약기술회사입니다.
텔아비브대학 Innocan Pharma와 Ramot는 CBD를 사용하여 중추신경계(CNS) 적응증과 Covid-19 코로나 바이러스를 모두 표적으로 하는 새롭고 혁신적 엑소좀 기반 기술에 대해 협력하고 있습니다.
CBD가 로딩된 엑소좀은 감염된 폐 세포의 회복을 도울 가능성이 있습니다.
흡입 투여가 예상되는 이 제품은 다양한 폐 감염에 대한 테스트가 진행될 예정입니다.
Innocan Pharma is a pharmaceutical tech company that focuses on the development of several drug delivery platforms containing CBD. Innocan Pharma and Ramot at Tel Aviv University are collaborating on a new, revolutionary exosome-based technology that targets both central nervous system (CNS) indications and the Covid-19 Corona Virus using CBD. CBD-loaded exosomes hold the potential to help in the recovery of infected lung cells. This product, which is expected to be administered by inhalation, will be tested against a variety of lung infections.
Innocan Pharma는 예루살렘 히브리대학교 상업부문인 Yissum과 주사로 투여되는 고유한 제어 방출 리포솜을 기반으로 하는 CBD 약물 전달 플랫폼을 개발하기 위한 전 세계 독점 라이선스계약을 체결했습니다.
Innocan Pharma signed a worldwide exclusive license agreement with Yissum, the commercial arm of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, to develop a CBD drug delivery platform based on a unique-controlled release liposome to be administered by injection. Innocan Israel plans, together with Professor Barenholz, to test the liposome platform on several potential conditions.
Innocan Israel은 Barenholz 교수와 함께 여러 잠재적 조건에서 리포솜 플랫폼을 테스트할 계획입니다.
Innocan Israel은 또한 CBD를 다른 제약성분과 통합한 피부제품을 개발하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 #건선 증상 완화 및 치료를 위한 국소치료제를 포함하되, #근육통 및 #류마티스 통증 등 이에 국한되지 않는 CBD 통합 의약품 개발 및 판매를 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Innocan Israel is also working on a dermal product that integrates CBD with other pharmaceutical ingredients as well as the development and sale of CBD-integrated pharmaceuticals, including, but not limited to, topical treatments for the relief of psoriasis symptoms as well as the treatment of muscle pain and rheumatic pain.
Innocan Israel의 설립자와 임원은 각각 다음 분야에서 상업적으로 성공한 실적을 가지고 있습니다.
The founders and officers of Innocan Israel each have commercially successful track records in the pharmaceutical and technology sectors in Israel and globally.
For further information, please contact:
For Innocan Pharma Corporation:
Iris Bincovich, CEO
Caution regarding forward-looking information
Certain information set forth in this news release, including, without limitation, information regarding research and development, collaborations, the filing of potential applications with the FDA and other regulatory authorities, the potential achievement of future regulatory milestones, the potential for treatment of conditions and other therapeutic effects resulting from research activities and/or the Company's products, requisite regulatory approvals and the timing for market entry, is forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. By its nature, forward-looking information is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond Innocan's control. The forward-looking information contained in this news release is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Innocan, including expectations and assumptions concerning the anticipated benefits of the products, satisfaction of regulatory requirements in various jurisdictions and satisfactory completion of requisite production and distribution arrangements.
Forward-looking information is subject to various risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results and experience to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this news release. The key risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to: general global and local (national) economic, market and business conditions; governmental and regulatory requirements and actions by governmental authorities; and relationships with suppliers, manufacturers, customers, business partners and competitors. There are also risks that are inherent in the nature of product distribution, including import / export matters and the failure to obtain any required regulatory and other approvals (or to do so in a timely manner) and availability in each market of product inputs and finished products. The anticipated timeline for entry to markets may change for a number of reasons, including the inability to secure necessary regulatory requirements, or the need for additional time to conclude and/or satisfy the manufacturing and distribution arrangements. As a result of the foregoing, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking information contained in this news release concerning the timing of launch of product distribution. A comprehensive discussion of other risks that impact Innocan can also be found in Innocan's public reports and filings which are available under Innocan's profile at
Readers are cautioned that undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information as actual results may vary materially from the forward-looking information. Innocan does not undertake to update, correct or revise any forward looking information as a result of any new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
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